Watch Night Watch Out
In the autumn of 1862, a powerful family saga unfolds on the expansive Walker plantation in Berrien County, Georgia. With rumors of freedom circulating among the enslaved individuals, tensions rise. Thomas, the son of the slave master Newton and the enslaved Judy, seethes with anger as he uncovers plans to perpetuate their exploitation. Newton, feeling threatened by Thomas’ independent spirit and intellect, grapples with his own insecurity.
Meanwhile, amidst this volatile backdrop, the wise and resilient matriarch Patsy maintains a facade of serenity throughout the plantation. Little do they know, she holds a treasure trove of long-buried secrets within the walls of her secret garden, concealed from prying eyes for over three decades. As the story unfolds, the secrets entwine the lives of this extraordinary family, forever altering their destinies and challenging everything they thought they knew.
37:54 minutes
Good Movie
My daughter, Naza Usher, did amazing job. Congratulations, TISH!
Great movie, outstanding directing.
I was so excited to see my sister Denise Armstrong in this project!. I enjoyed how the name of Jesus was lifted up all throughout the film. Slaves endured so much and survived because of the strength of God philipians 4:13.
Well done! Our story so many time, but not many are captured.
Great movie, outstanding actors and directing
Well done! Beautifully told story.
Music was fire!
Best Film